How can we eat more sustainably?

How can we do our bit to reduce global warming and our own carbon foot print?I remember 2018 New years holiday in Antalya was full of people piling food onto their plate at the hotel and wasting over half of it. It got me thinking that reducing food waste and eating seasonally can help reduce our carbon foot print.What is a sustainable diet? A sustainable diet is one which has low environmental impact and is consistent with good health.ProteinThe U.K.’s redmeat production contributes a lot to greenhouse gas emissions. The guidelines are therefore 70 g of red meat per day or less. Processed meat is advised to be avoided altogether. Instead have plant-based alternatives such as beans, lentils and soya which are great for our gut health.85% of global fish stocks are becoming overexploited therefore the guidelines remain as two servings per week. Select fish from ethical and sustainable sources look out for Marine stewardship Council.DairyDairy is also a big contributor to green house gas emissions, but now there are plant-based alternatives and this should be consumed in moderation. But make sure they are fortified with calcium, iodine and B12Eat with the seasonMake sure you eat seasonal. We need to up stop the obsession with exotic fruits and veg and a have what is in season instead of accessing nonseasonal fruit and veg which has a big carbon footprint.Food wasteCurrently households are responsible for 70% of all food and drink waste we need to plan our food to reduce waste. It is up to us to buy food with no excessive packaging and reuse stuff chooseDrinksTap water and tea over fizzy drinks, soft drinks and fruit juice is better for your health and the environment.P.S make sure to follow me on Facebook here for more content


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